Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Kabbalistic Consultation Contract – Spiritual Orientation

1. The effectiveness of the Kabbalistic consultation depends on the commitment of the person receiving the consultation “Coachee”, and for this reason there must be a commitment. To book an appointment, you must enter the cost through PayPal or to deposit directly at the bank or make an electronic transfer. Once the deposit is made, take a photo of the receipt or screenshot of the electronic transfer, and send it to the email aaizenm@gmail.com, in order to be able to separate and confirm the space or time for the consultation. If the proof of the consignment is not sent, the reservation can not be confirmed, since if another consultant requires an emergency appointment at the same time, the first one who sends the consignment will be assigned.
2. The Coachee/Client have to coordinates by email or text message / WhatsApp the time of the session once the appointment is reserved.
3. If the form of communication is oral, the session can be face-to-face or virtual. If it is virtual/audiovisual, we sit at the agreed time at least 50cm from the computer screen, with full attention and disposition as if we were in an office, through DUO or Skype program with voice and video (My Skype user is : Abraham.Aizenman)
4. Many times I will be connected, but I will not be able to assist you if we are not in a coordinated appointment, since I will be working with more people and I have to respect the time of each client. Likewise, under the modality of Oral/audiovisual communication, any Kabbalistic question/therapy will only be answered in the session, not by email or telephone, or by any other means outside the session.
5. If for some reason you can not attend the appointment, you must cancel it with one day (24 hours) in advance, otherwise you will have to pay the cost of the session; This policy is taken to benefit the people who are on the waiting list and can give them time to coordinate their agendas to attend the appointment.
6. Punctuality is very important, because if you arrive late to the appointment, the time can not be recovered since I have to respect the punctuality of the other consultants, and to attend them on the agreed time. Also if you connect 10 or more minutes later (delay) than the agreed time, the session will be cut in the minutes that there was a delay.
7. Kabbalistic consultation/therapy is strictly confidential and ethical. The only circumstances where confidentiality will be broken will be: in case the life of the coachee/client (declaration of suicide) or of some other person (homicidal thoughts) is at risk, in case of abused children, the elderly or persons with disabilities, in case of any medical emergency, in matters of the court, meaning, when he/she receives a court order signed by a judge, or if some kind of emergency occurs during the session.
8. The work will be carried out under the principles of mutual responsibility of the Master (coach) and the Client or receiver of the consultation or “Coachee” (*).
9. By replying or signing this document, you are accepting the terms of this contract.

(*) The Teacher or Coach’s responsibility is:
• To discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve
• To encourage the customer on a self-discovery path
• To provoke solutions and strategies generated by the client
• To keep the client responsible for achieving the objectives
• To recognize and respect the confidentiality of the coaching relationship and to conduct coaching activities with honesty and integrity
• To work in collaboration with the client to define the scope of the coaching agreement

For the customer or ¨coachee¨ we recommend the following:
• Be able to focus on himself, on the complex questions and the harsh truths
• Be able to observe what is working and what is not working
• Be able to listen to one’s intuition, assumptions and judgments
• Be able to challenge existing attitudes, beliefs and behaviors
• Be able to evaluate the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the present
• Be able to take actions and commitments that can sometimes be somewhat uncomfortable

If these responsibilities are met by both parties, the coaching process will be a success.